Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Dirt Please

What do you do if you have a son with a 4-wheeler, honda xr-50, watches all the cool stuff on Fuel TV, and a big backyard? BRING IN SOME DIRT! Dirt makes wonderful playgrounds. So this is my attempt of building a little playground in my backyard. If you like to ride and jump, come, bring some dirt and join us.

Leon and Ryan helping to shape the mounds
The next Ricky Carmichael

seth with his friends colby and tanner, working hard.
what is it about a pile of dirt that kids like?
testing out the jumps

working on a table top jump

Then they found a water hose and turned the table top to a mud pile.
seth practicing the turns.

Well thats it for now. Come on and ride with us and don't forget the dirt!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Holy Rollers Tour Wrapup

Holy Rollers Tour Wrapup

Wow, what a great experience and ride I had with this team. There were so many highlights that I tried to put in the blog but I know that I have missed some. Not only was great training and fun, we helped to raise awareness and money towards some wonderful causes, Initiative of Hope helping children in Brazil, Russia and Mozambique. We participated in collecting the offering in conference, spandex and bikes. The Annual Conference Offering received on Wednesday morning for our Initiatives of Hope partners in Russia, Mozambique, and Brazil, for United Methodist ministries with native tribes in Alaska, and for the Global AIDS Initiative, presently stands at $242,000. Its cool to know that we had a part in this effort.

Ray "LW" Reed demonstrating the proper technique of collecting the offering.

There are so many people that made this ride possible. I am certain I have left some out and for that I apologize. Here are a few more that helped.

Janet "Mom" Hopkins. She drove the food wagon and provided us with all the goodies along the way. And, at the end of each day, she took out dirty shorts, socks and jerseys to be washed for the next day. They were even folded and waiting for us the next morning. She was usually the first up and last to go to bed. She was assisted by Isaac "D-1" Hopkins and Daiquan "D-2" Harris. In case you were wondering the D stands for Domistique. If you are still wondering, well google the word along with cycling.

D1 & D2 showing off their many skills.

Tony "Billy Bob" Moyers. This guy could be Billy Bob Thorton's twin.

Hugh "Click" Gravitt, our photographer and videographer. Most of the photos supplied on the blog were taken by Hugh. You can check out all the photos of the ride by clicking PHOTO.
Wow, in trying to find an email or link for Hugh, I found that this guy is bigtime.
Very nice site and work. Check it out at
You would think a guy with his expertise could get a camera that goes "click" or had a flash:) Maybe we can take up an offering to get him one of those disposable cameras for next year.
A big thanks to everyone that took time out of their busy lives to make the ride possible. I look forward to the ride next year. Thanks for taking time to read about our ride and if you are interested in joining us next year, send me an email.
I leave you with a final photo of Tizzy "Wilson" Walker:)

Oh yeah, have you figured it out yet? Where the Wilson name came from. Click HERE to solve the mystery. Also, I gave Sandy's name of "Mercy" because she needed lots of it riding with Tizzy:)


But until then, ride hard for the end is near!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Holy Rollers Tour: Day 3 Buchanan to Roanoke Civic Center


Gtting ready to roll out from Trinity UMC in Buchanan.

Some of our support bikers. Jim "Sgt Friday" Hope and his sidekick "Officer" Causy.
For those that don't know, thats a little play off the old tv show Dragnet. Of course, I am sure Ray Reed knows about the show:)

I got a little taste of what it may be like for the pros finishing up a long stage race. There was a since of relief and joy that the hard part was over and the finish was in sight. That morning, the Rollers attended a variety of churches geared up in spandex and yellow jerseys. I have always wanted to wear spandex to church. I think I might start preaching in it:) We gathered the crew around 10 at Trinity UMC in Buchanan, grabbed a little breakfast, then began the final miles. The riders were playful this day. Bob "Trickster" Blinn demonstrated his skills by riding with feet on handlebars and sidesaddle. We all were in awe with his level of expertise.

Trains don't even stop for the holy rollers.

Working on my trackstand during one of our stops.

cruizing into troutville

We arrived at the Olive Garden for a hearty lunch and banquet.

Once again, Greg is impressed with the salad

The Pope demonstating the Holy Roller Gig. He then proceeded to hand out awards to all the riders and participants.

Hey, who is watching the bikes?

With our belly's full, we proceeded via the Greenway to the Civic Center.

Destination reached. Roanoke. Although the star wasn't our finish, it would have been a good idea to make a trip up there. It is not far from the Civic Center. For all the RCO members, it would be great to have a resturant up there to dine in after a hard day of riding:)

Civic center seen below.

A couple of victory laps around the fountain.

Team Photo

Greg shed his skirt and was recieved back into the "manclub" after completing 3 laps on the fountain's ledge.

Tizzy "Wilson" Walker giving the Kid a big hug.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Holy Rollers Tour: Day 2 Staunton to Buchanan

Holy Rollers Tour:

Day 2

Staunton to Buchanan

72 miles

The gang ready to roll out

We arose about 6am to get ready for our ride to Buchanan. We were all moving a little slow from the previous day. Thank goodness, the day was to be a little cooler and the ride a little easier. We rolled out from the church and headed to Lexington. What a beautiful ride. I am not real sure what the route was but I would like to do parts of this again. Except for this very belligerent, angry motorists, the ride went very smooth. There was even a nice spring along the way on 252 Middlebrook Rd. We had a little break at a church that's not on the original map so I am not real sure where we stopped. But a big thanks to those that provided all the goodies.

We are led out by our support waggon Tizzy "Wilson" Walker

Out on an early attack.

A cool refreshment found along the way

After a nice break, Ray "The Rock" Stern, LW, The Kid, Hokieman, V-Twin and I lead the way through the rolling terrain. There was some fast section thru here and one S curve that I pulled a "Lance" move. Ray The Rock drifted from the inside to the outside where I was trying to move around him forcing me into a field to do a little cyclocross. Thank goodness there was no ditch, fence or holes, I managed to continue riding through the field bringing the bike back on the pavement. Too bad I didn't have that on video.

Ray "The Rock "Sterns

We came to Trinity UMC in Lexington where we were greeted with warm hospitality and more food. After a long lunch break, we headed out for the remainder miles to Buchanan. We were supposed to meet some kids after lunch for a little ride but we never found those kids. Where are those kids. Some of us noodled around looking for kids to ride with. Every kid we came across we asked if they wanted to ride. We had parents worried about their kids. Some even let the dogs loose upon our team.

Lunch break in Lexington. At this time I would like to thank my sponsor Ensure.

Excellent source of protein, carbs and cals. Plus it just taste sooo good!

Greg showing just how big the salad was from the night before.

This section of the ride was one of the most inspiring to me. I was riding with Lisa "Arabian" Moran, Julie "GI" Buchikos, Bob "Mr. Gadget" McDonald. Ok, I am trying hard to come up with some relevant names. Best I can remember, Lisa likes horses and rode strong and hard, Julie served in the Army and Bob had every gadget you could imagine with him. There was even a small satellite on top of his helmet:) The Pope remarked, "It takes Bob 30 minutes just to get his gear on." Lastly, Jeremy "Rocky" Hopkins. I'll share more on his name later.

Our biker chics, Lisa "Arabian" Moran, Julie "GI" Buchikos. You girls rock!

Basically, we followed route 76 and it was a wonderful road. Rocky continued fighting cramps in which he encountered the day before. He got a little dehydrated the day before. He was about 1 hr late into Lexington due to a flat tire. The crew wanted him to get in the sag wagon and skip 10 miles but he would have no part of it. He wanted to ride every mile. We got about 10 miles into the ride after lunch and he had another flat. I found a small thorn in his tire. Could have been there from the first flat. His legs were cramping the whole afternoon. Honestly, I didn't think he would make it. I thought we were going to have to call in the support wagon to pick him up. But he kept going. We all encouraged one another and continued heading towards Buchanan. We passed under Interstate 81 and turned onto Route 11 about 5 miles from the hotel. We all were tired and had no fuel left in the tank but kept pedaling. Legs were cramping and energy gone. Once again, we had a hilltop finish onto Watstull Inn off of I81. About 300 meters uphill. Rocky had nothing left and didn't think he could make the climb. He kept the pedals turning over and made it to the top without stopping. That is why I named him Rocky. He truly inspired me to try harder. He was knocked down time and time again and never quit but fought back triumphantly. I witnessed so much courage from the riders on this day and hope I can ride with the heart and tenacity they showed.

Jeremy "Rocky" Hopkins on the final ascent

We found a cool pool at the Inn and chilled out talking about the ride. We showed, hopped in back of David "4-cyl" Palmer's (he's V-Twin's dad) truck and headed to Fazarellis Pizzeria Restaurant in Buchanan. We felt like true rednecks downing our Big K cola cruising into town. Side note, The Kid violated the "Man Code" by eating only 1 slice of pizza almost causing him to ride into Roanoke in a skirt but couldn't find a skirt for him to wear.

Holy Rollers Tour: Day 1 New Market to Staunton

Holy Roller Tour
Day 1
New Market to Staunton 67 miles

For me and most of the group, this was the hardest day. Remember the slight descent I had to New Market? Well, we had to slowly go from 900ft to 2000ft. The roads were greatly exposed to the a nasty headwind and 95+ degree temps, and it took its toll on the group.

We met at Mt. Jackson UMC where Pastor Flo Legg provided a light breakfast and a place of worship. Edward led us in Word and Holy Communion. He gave an inspiring message regarding the hand of God shaping this mountains and valleys that we are about to ride through.

I pimped my ride for this trip. I added a spider man boost pack for those tough sprints. Unfortunately I lost it on a fast descent.

The rally horn, sounded as our leader shouted, "Holy Rollers, Lets Roll"

We rolled out of Mount Jackson and the ride officially began. The group consisted of about 15 riders and 10 sag support. The riders ranged from young beginners to old veterans. I brought along a local youth, Greg Bartocci. Below is a list of participants


Bartocci, Greg Staunton Rider
Blinn, Bob Danville Rider
Buchikos, Julie Roanoke Rider
Carswell, Warren Staunton Rider
Conrad, Haden Charlottesville Support
Gravitt, Hugh Ashland Rider/Support/Photographer
Gravitt, Julie Ashland Support
Harris, Daiquan Charlottesville Support
Harris, Shortie Portsmouth Support
Hibbitts, David Charlottesville Rider
Hollar, Barry Penn Winchester Rider
Hope, James Charlottesville Motor escort
Hope, Carolyn Charlottesville Support
Hopkins, Edward Charlottesville Rider
Hopkins, Isaac Charlottesville Support
Hopkins, Janet Charlottesville Support
Hopkins. Jeremy Charlottesville Rider
Kirkland, Sandy Peninsula Support
Mather, Brett Winchester Rider
McDonald, Bob Roanoke Rider
Moran, Lisa Roanoke Rider
Moyers, Tony Charlottesville Motor escort
Palmer, David Danville Rider
Palmer, Joshua Winchester Rider
Pence. Jeff Rider
Purdy, Bill Lynchburg Rider
Randel, Emmett Winchester Rider
Reed, Ray Roanoke Rider
Stearns, Ray Peninsula Rider
Un, Won Ashland Rider
Walker, Tizzy Rappahannock Support

Rolling out. Notice the haze. It was to be a hot, humid day.

The ride started out slow and smooth for the first 10 miles. Then the youth started attacking. Ok, we are just a few miles into a 3 day journey and this isn't a race. But there is something about guys, testosterone, and bikes. From nowhere, Greg "The Italian Kid" Bartocci sprints up a slight hill. Ah, I'll let him go, then Brett "Hokieman" Mather, who is a grad student from VT and a triathlete. Man, I can't let this happen. So I respond and grab his wheel. Then another guy, Josh "V-Twin" Palmer took off. His style is a little unorthodox but he is extremely strong. We later gave him the name "V-Twin" because his legs moves like the pistons on the V-Twin engine pumping hard.

Tizzy "Wilson" Walker (have you figured it out yet?) and Sandy "Mercy" Kirkland preparing Kimchi for Won "Kimchiman" Un. Won, next year we will have Kimchi and crushed red peppers. I might can mix it together with my hammer gel. Maybe come up with a new endurance fuel "Kimchi Gel"

After several short, steep hills Brett and I broke away from the field and arrived at our next checkpoint, Donovan Memorial UMC located in Singers Spring. Barry "Ole Wise One" Hollar presented a historical note on how the town became named Singers Spring. It was so moving, I can't remember anything he said:) Maybe he'll read this post and provide some info.


Hey, its "Singers Glen," not "Singers Spring." It got the name
because a Mennonite named Joseph Funk had a music school and printing business there in the 19th century. He taught using a "shaped note"
method and printed hymnbooks in German using the shaped note system.
It was called the Harmonia Sacra. Anyway, he was shipping out so
many hymnbooks, the authorities decided there needed to be a post office in the village. Until then the area had been called "Mountain Valley,"but Funk named the post office "Singers Glen."
Pay attention next time. There will be a test.


Once again, we had snacks and made a lap around the town with several of the local children. We refueled took some kids riding around the block and rolled on.

We had about 5 kids riding around the block with us. That was too cool. A few of them broke away on this little climb.

The day continues to get hot and the sun is beaming strongly upon our backs. Next stop Bridgewater UMC for lunch. I am beginning to like this stuff. Ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat! Below is a pic of Edward "The Pope" Hopkins and his son Jeremy "Rocky" Hopkins. I give Edward his title because he is our holy, infamous leader.

After more food and fellowship, we travel to our final destination, St. Paul UMC in Staunton. This last leg of the day was extremely difficult, hot and marred with mechanical problems. Ray "LW" Reed flatted. Oh yeah, LW stands for Lawence Welk:) Remember those sounds and bubbles? I think Ray was one of the oldest riders and was as strong as any there. Brett, Ray, and I worked hard to regroup with the peloton. The Bartocci kid was on a lone breakaway about to spoil the day but with just a few miles to go, Brett and I caught the Italian kid and were going to duke it out to the finish. We were exhausted and spent when we saw the hilltop finish to the church and The Italian Kid shouts, "sprint to the top." The hilltop finish was about 300 meters with about an 8% grade. I took the lead into the corner to get the job on the other two. I hammered hard hoping to discourage the Kid and VT, but the Kid was too strong. He took me in the last 100. VT was closing fast but his legs cramped before the line. We finished strong but exhausted. Shortly afterwards the rest of the crew came in. Some cramping and some pushing their bikes up the steep drive. BUT NONE QUITTING.

A photo from the top of the finish.

Man this final climb was steep! It goes up about another 200 feet then turns left. Ray and Ray battling it out.

Good job Kid, I'll get you next time.

The podium.

I am really not that short. Just standing on the low side:)

We showered and received a grand spaghetti dinner provided by the ladies of St. Paul. We were talking about how good the meal was and Greg responded, "I know why it is so good. It was made with love." Wow, what a statement from such a young lad. The ladies brought him extra brownies and ice cream.

We were blessed with a personal trainer Carol "Stretch" Hope who worked out the kinks and soreness from such a long, hot day. Well its about 9pm, lights out, another long day tomorrow.